Summer Student

| Summer Student Programme 2025

B5_detailed information

Summer Student Programme 2025

B5_detailed information

B5. Computing:

At DESY Hamburg students can participate in various areas of scientific computing  such as data acquisition at high bandwidths (1-10 GB/s), for instance using the ASAPO framework developed at DESY IT for high performance networks (incl.RDMA) and fast & scalable key-value stores followed by data storage and data management at high volumes (10-100 PB) using the locally developed dCache system and finally offline data processing and simulation on the DESY HPC and HTC (High Performance and High Throughput Clusters). On HTC clusters DESY IT provides a Grid centre which is embedded in the worldwide LHC Computing Grid WLCG as well as a National Analysis Facility (NAF) for the German High Energy Physics Communities. Additionally, the Maxwell HPC cluster provides the infrastructure for high performance data processing supported by GPU accelerated computations. Moreover, students can also work on collaborative IT services for scientific computing as they are provided by the Helmholtz Federated IT Services (HIFIS). These include a shared space for documents, Gitlab and JupyterHub services as well as an infrastructure for single sign on (Helmholtz Authentication and Authorisation infrastructure). In Zeuthen students can also participate in tests and software development for powerful parallel computers. In addition, Zeuthen offers projects in the field of quantum computing within the Center for Quantum Technology and Applications.