Summer Student

| Summer Student Programme 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

Summer Student Programme 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

Here we hope to provide information on some of the most common enquiries made by applicants for the DESY Summer Student programme. Please check if your question is already answered below before contacting the organizers.

In case you do not find an answer to your question, or the situation is still unclear, please contact summie-org@desy. Please be aware that during some periods it may not be possible to answer emails very promptly.


Am I eligible for the programme?

Please find the answer here.


Do I need health insurance?

Yes, you do. Please find information about this supplied by the DESY International Office: Medical insurance


What is a liability insurance and do I need it?

Please refer to the following information supplied by the DESY International Office: Liability insurance


1. What has to be done in order to obtain a visa for Germany?

For all invited students coming from countries where a visa is required for entry into Germany:
Once you are invited to join the programme and have accepted this invitation, DESY will send an official invitation letter to you via courier (we need a postal address for this, no post-box, and a mobile phone number).
You need to present the letter to the German embassy in your country, together with a copy of your medical insurance policy.
Please arrange for a date at the German embassy ONLY when you have these papers at hand.

2. What kind of information do I have to forward for receiving my visa papers?

To ensure a smooth and fast forwarding of the invitation letter, we need your current address and a mobile number for the courier service to deliver the envelope.

Please, send the information to once you are invited to join the programme and have accepted the invitation.

Duration of stay at DESY
How long is the stay at DESY during the Summer Student Programme?

The Summer Student Programme starts 22 July and lasts seven weeks until 11 September 2025.

Can I stay for a shorter period of time?

We expect the summer students to stay for the whole period of time. The supervisors organise the summer student projects such that they match the duration of seven weeks.
However, for strong reasons there might be exceptions up to one week.

Can I stay longer?

If you realise during your stay that you would like to continue working at DESY, contact your supervisor or the group leader.

Working hours
How long do I have to work during the week?

You have to work 39 hours per week.

University Credits

Can I gain European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) points for participating in the programme?

Yes, certification for ECTS credits can be provided, with participation in the DESY Summer Student programme being equivalent to 10 credit points.

How much subsistence will be paid?

28,50 Euro per calendar day will be paid (in the period 22 July - 11 September, i.e. 52 days in total => 1482€ in 3 installments)

Hostel accommodation
Do the summer students have to pay for hostel accommodation?

No, accomodation in the DESY Hostel will be provided free of charge for you. If you choose to take alternative accomodation options, you must pay for any costs yourself.

How do I get the keys to my hostel room?

The DESY gate keepers can help you: During opening hours of the hostel service they will guide you to the hostel office; any other time of the day or night they will hand you the keys.

Are the rooms furnished? What do I have to bring?

The rooms are furnished. You will find a bed (with blankets, bedsheets, towels), a desk, chair.

Who may stay in the DESY Hostel?

The DESY Hostel is meant for guests of DESY who come for short periods of work within DESY groups or at the DESY facilities and for meetings and conferences.
The DESY Hostel cannot house family or friends of guests or students. It is meant solely for people working at DESY.

Travel cost reimbursement

How does DESY reimburse travel costs?

All summer students will receive a lump sum of 125€, irrespective of their actual travel expenses to keep the administrative efforts low. This is meant to cover the costs for students from Germany and nearby countries.
If you come from further abroad and incur costs in excess of 300€ (this is for both trips from home to DESY and back combined), you can apply for a higher reimbursement (covering 80% of the costs above 300€) after arriving here at DESY. In any case, DESY generally reimburses only the proven costs for the most economical connections (economy class flights, 2nd class trains and so on).

Example 1, Travel cost of 200€: The 125€ lump sum covers this, no travel cost reimbursement application necessary.

Example 2, Travel cost of 1200€: You get the 125€ lump sum in any case, but have to fill out a travel cost reimbursement form.
You get reimbursed 80% of the costs above 300€. Total reimbursement will be 125€ + 0.8*(1200-300) = 845€

Accommodation outside of DESY
Could you provide a list of hotels in Hamburg?

Please find a list of hotels in the vicinity of DESY here.

Is there another hostel in Hamburg?

Access to DESY

Can I enter/leave the DESY site any time during day or night?

Yes, the main gate at DESY is open 24 hours a day.